Please consider these factors before adopting a pet:
Landlord approval
If you lease your home, check with your landlord before adopting to be sure you are allowed to have a pet and can afford all required pet deposits. Pets are sometimes returned because of lease restrictions and/or landlord’s disapproval of the pet chosen. This can be an expensive lesson since the adoption fees are non-refundable and being returned can be a stressful experience for the animal.
Other household members
Other members of your household should be aware you want to add a pet and should meet the pet before you decide to adopt. Also consider:
Does anyone have allergies?
Are other members of the household, including children, afraid of animals?
Are you expecting other members of the household to share in the care of the pet?
Consider the initial and on-going costs of a new pet. These costs include:
Adoption fees
Pet supplies
Additional veterinary care such as diagnostic testing and preventative medication. These costs can easily be $200-400 or more within the first few weeks of adoption.
Other pets
We recommend that you do not immediately expose your existing pets to a new pet. Consider how you will manage an isolation period and be sure all existing pets are up to date on vaccinations and other routine health care before bringing a new pet home.
Facilitating positive pet-to-pet introductions will require some management on your part too. Not all pets are instant friends and may require temporary or intermittent separation to ensure a smooth transition. Some pets are happy to share their home within a week or two, others may take a month or longer to adjust. Our adoption staff will be happy to review steps to properly introduce your new pet to your resident pets.
Time commitment
All cats making the transition to a new home will need time to adjust to a new family and may require housetraining and behavior training to correct problem behavior. If you aren’t prepared to invest your time to teach your new pet appropriate behavior and help the animal adjust, you should not consider adopting a pet at this time.
Please make a lifetime commitment to your pet. Remember that the animal you choose has already been abandoned or unwanted at least once in its life. cats may live 12 to 15 years or more. Your thoughtful consideration, preparation and commitment will help insure a lifelong placement.
Supplies needed
Before bringing your cat home, make sure you have the supplies to properly care for the newest member of your household. Our knowledgeable staff can help you find the right products for your pet during the adoption interview process.